Home» Android Development Environment Setup Tutorial

Android Development Environment Setup Tutorial

This guide discusses how to setup and use ADB Android Debug Bridge on your computer. Android Studio. Step 1 System Requirements. You will be delighted, to know that you can start your Android application development on either of the following operating systems Microsoft Windows 1. Vista2. 00. 3 3. Mac OS X 1. MavericksGNOME or KDE desktop. Second point is that all the required tools to develop Android applications are open source and can be downloaded from the Web. Following is the list of softwares you will need before you start your Android application programming. Android Development Environment Setup Tutorial For Brother' title='Android Development Environment Setup Tutorial For Brother' />Java JDK5 or later version. Java Runtime Environment JRE 6. Android Studio. Step 2 Setup Android Studio. Overview. Android Studio is the official IDE for android application development. It works based on Intelli. J IDEA, You can download the latest version of android studio from Android Studio 2. Download, If you are new to installing Android Studio on windows,you will find a file, which is named as android studio bundle 1. Android Development Environment Setup Tutorial For Epsxe' title='Android Development Environment Setup Tutorial For Epsxe' />A tutorial on installing, configuring, and using Tomcat for servlet and JSP development. See whats new with Android from phones to watches and more. Visit the official site to explore and learn. So just download and run on windows machine according to android studio wizard guideline. If you are installing Android Studio on Mac or Linux, You can download the latest version from Android Studio Mac Download,or Android Studio Linux Download, check the instructions provided along with the downloaded file for Mac OS and Linux. This tutorial will consider that you are going to setup your environment on Windows machine having Windows 8. Installation. So lets launch Android Studio. Make sure before launch Android Studio, Our Machine should required installed Java JDK. To install Java JDK,take a references of Android environment setup. Once you launched Android Studio, its time to mention JDK7 path or later version in android studio installer. Below the image initiating JDK to android SDKNeed to check the components, which are required to create applications, below the image has selected Android Studio, Android SDK, Android Virtual Machine and performanceIntel chip. Need to specify the location of local machine path for Android studio and Android SDK, below the image has taken default location of windows 8. Need to specify the ram space for Android emulator by default it would take 5. MB of local machine RAM. At final stage, it would extract SDK packages into our local machine, it would take a while time to finish the task and would take 2. MB of Hard disk space. After done all above steps perfectly, you must get finish button and it gonna be open android studio project with Welcome to android studio message as shown below. NewWorkspace.png?resize=712%2C387&ssl=1' alt='Android Development Environment Setup Tutorial For Acer' title='Android Development Environment Setup Tutorial For Acer' />You can start your application development by calling start a new android studio project. Application name, package information and location of the project. After entered application name, it going to be called select the form factors your application runs on, here need to specify Minimum SDK, in our tutorial, I have declared as API2. Android 6. 0MashmallowThe next level of installation should contain selecting the activity to mobile, it specifies the default layout for Applications. At the final stage it going to be open development tool to write the application code. Step 3 Create Android Virtual Device. To test your Android applications, you will need a virtual Android device. So before we start writing our code, let us create an Android virtual device. Launch Android AVD Manager Clicking AVDManager icon as shown below. After Click on a virtual device icon, it going to be shown by default virtual devices which are present on your SDK, or else need to create a virtual device by clicking Create new Virtual device button. If your AVD is created successfully it means your environment is ready for Android application development. If you like, you can close this window using top right cross button. Better you re start your machine and once you are done with this last step, you are ready to proceed for your first Android example but before that we will see few more important concepts related to Android Application Development. Hello Word Example. Before Writing a Hello word code, you must know about XML tags. To write hello word code, you should redirect to App res layout Activitymain. To show hello word, we need to call text view with layout about text view and layout, you must take references at Relative Layout and Text View. Relative. Layout xmlns androidhttp schemas. Leftdimenactivityhorizontalmargin. Rightdimenactivityhorizontalmargin. Topdimenactivityverticalmargin. Bottomdimenactivityverticalmargin tools context. Main. Activity. Text. View android textstringhelloworld. Relative. Layout. Need to run the program by clicking Run Run App or else need to call shiftf. Finally, result should be placed at Virtual devices as shown belowandroidenvironmentsetup. How to setup Cocos. Windows and AndroidNotes. This is a tutorial on how to setup Cocos. Windows and Android development on Windows. Last update 1. 6 1. Windows. Building cocos. Get the source from Git. Hub https github. Use the provided solution files or run recommended build win. Binaries are placed in Release. More information can be found on the wiki. Android. Requirements. Eclipse with CDT pluginInstalled JDK Java SE 6 Update 2. I recommend downloading the x. Please note that Java SE 7 wont work. Android SDKInstalled ADT Plugin for Eclipse. Android NDKAndroid NDK r. Windows Note If r. Cocos. 2d x, try using the previous NDK, version r. Install Min. GWMSYSInstall Min. GW and MSYS according to this tutorial How to install Min. GW, MSYS and Eclipse on windowsDont forget to install the ADT plugin as wellNo need to install cygwin Building Cocos. MSYSNDKMy file locations unzip the SDK and NDK to these locationsNDK C Developmentandroid ndk r. SDK C Developmentandroid sdk windows. Source location git D projectsGithubcocos. Set the NDK root and COCOS2. Vba Import Html File Into Excel on this page. DX root path. Open up these files D projectsGithubcocos. Hello. Luaandroidbuildnative. D projectsGithubcocos. Hello. Worldandroidbuildnative. D projectsGithubcocos. Change this ANDROIDNDKROOTcygdriveeandroid ndk r. COCOS2. DXROOTcygdrivedWork. ANDROIDNDKROOTcygdriveeandroid ndk r. COCOS2. DXROOTcygdrivedWork. ANDROIDNDKROOTcDevelopmentandroid ndk r. Bank Management System Project In Java With Source Code. COCOS2. DXROOTdprojectsGithubcocos. ANDROIDNDKROOTcDevelopmentandroid ndk r. COCOS2. DXROOTdprojectsGithubcocos. Run buildscripts. Open up Msys and use the following commands in the terminal to build the projects Build Hello. Lua projectcddprojectsGithubcocos. Hello. Luaandroid. Githubcocos. 2d xHello. Luaandroid. buildnative. Build Hello. World projectcddprojectsGithubcocos. Hello. Worldandroid. Githubcocos. 2d xHello. Worldandroid. buildnative. Build tests projectcddprojectsGithubcocos. Githubcocos. 2d xteststest. It might take a while to build the tests example. On completion you should see this Importing projects EclipseSDKOpen up eclipse. Create a new workspace at D projectsGithubcocos. Create a new Android project. Hello. World example. Create Android Project. Set projectname to Hello. World. Untick default location. Click Create project from existing source. Set location to D projectsGithubcocos. Hello. Worldandroid. Click next. Select Build Target. Set target to Android 2. Click next. Application Info. Set application Hello. World. Set package name org. Click finishtests example. Create Android Project. Set projectname to tests. Untick default location. Click Create project from existing source. Set location to D projectsGithubcocos. Click next. Select Build Target. Set target to Android 2. Click next. Application Info. Set application tests. Set package name org. Click finish. Hello. Lua example. Create Android Project. Set projectname to Hello. Lua. Untick default location. Click Create project from existing source. Set location to D projectsGithubcocos. Hello. Luaandroid. Click next. Select Build Target. Set target to Android 2. Click next. Application Info. Set application Hello. Lua. Set package name org. Click finish. Fixing some java code. All projects should now be available in the package explorer. However, Hello. Lua and Hello. World might show some red crosses. You will need to modify a few. All you need to do is remove all lines with Override. Build APK and run. Click on the project name in the package explorer for example Hello. World or tests. Click the green arrow. Select Android Application. Click OKIf your device is connected to your computer, eclipse will build the APK and install it on your phonetablet. If no device is found, it will launch the emulator. Emulator. Running Hello World.