Betrayal In The City Pdf
A Jewish atonement for Zionism MondoweissNot by Might, nor by Power The Zionist Betrayal of Judaism. By Moshe Menuhin. With a new introduction by Adi Ophir. Originally published as The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time, Exposition Press, 1. Forbidden Bookshelf, 2. Dissent. Dissidents include individuals who have been victimized and those who have a developed sense of empathy for others oppression and trauma. Acts of dissent range from the minuscule to the enormous and assume countless forms. One can sign a petition, kneel during a national anthem, block a highway, sit in the front of a bus, participate in a strike, march or sit in, lead an armed revolt, or as in the case of Moshe Menuhin perhaps Zionisms first dissident write a book. Kathleen J. Schultheis reviews Larry Tauntons book, The Faith of Christopher Hitchens. Infidelity can shake the foundation of an intimate relationship, whether it occurs as a result of dissatisfaction with the relationship or dissatisfaction with oneself. Yoav Litvin reviews Moshe Menuhins Not by Might, nor by Power The Zionist betrayal of Judaism a groundbreaking critique of Zionism first published in 1965. Moshe Menuhin 1. Gomel as Moshe Mnuchin, Belarus to a notable orthodox Jewish family. As a young boy of eleven he moved to Palestine where he studied at a Yeshiva in Jerusalem and subsequently was a student in the inaugural class of the first Zionist high school in Tel Aviv Gymnasia Herzliya. Several of his classmates would become leaders of the Zionist Yeshuv settlement and of the new state of Israel, such as Moshe Shertok aka Moshe Sharett, Israels second Prime Minister and Eliyahu Golomb leader of the Zionist militia Haganah. Menuhin moved to the United States in 1. New York University. He was the father of legendary violinist Yehudi Menuhin and a committed anti Zionist throughout his entire life, authoring several books on the topic. Cover of Moshe Menuhins book in 2. Moshe Menuhins Not by Might, nor by Power The Zionist betrayal of Judaism is a riveting, thorough, courageous and ruthless indictment of the Zionist project written from an alternative Jewish perspective. In fact, much of this book is rooted in the experiences and observations garnered by Menuhin during his own Aliyah i. Palestine from 1. Now reintroduced to the public in an e. Book format by Forbidden Bookshelf, a series of publications aimed at bringing attention to groundbreaking yet underrated and vanished books edited by Mark Crispin Miller it contains an introduction by scholar Adi Ophir and a postscript added by Menuhin in 1. Not by Might, nor by Power is a methodical and chronological and to a significant extent autobiographical survey of Jewish nationalism, beginning with its various manifestations throughout biblical and post biblical history, and including its modern incarnation Zionism an offshoot of 1. European political nationalism. Betrayal-In-Death.jpg' alt='Betrayal In The City Pdf' title='Betrayal In The City Pdf' />Menuhin devotes the majority of the book to the presentation of historical information peppered with pertinent quotes from Zionist and other world leaders, which reveal a premeditated and systematic plan for the Jewish colonization of the land known then as Palestine now Israel alongside a brutal ethnic cleansing of its indigenous people the Palestinians. Not by Might, nor by Power is an act of dissent born of pain, love, outrage, shame and a fundamentally Jewish desire for atonement. Atonement. Then he said to me, this is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts Zechariah 4 6Moving to Palestine at the age of eleven, Menuhin was deeply inspired by his beloved Jerusalemite grandfather whom he described as an extremely kind, humane and genuine, honest orthodox Jew who believed in the Shulchan Aruch as much as he believed in ethical and universal peace and love for your fellow man he used to always dwell on the point of repentance And in fact, central to Not by Might, nor by Power is a theme of repentance, which paints Menuhins disillusioned presentation of the hard facts in a shade of religious virtue. Menuhins account of the birth and rise of Zionism offers much information about its successes, trials and tribulations. It is conveyed via a thinly disguised anger at Zionists and the military junta of Israel most notably Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion for coopting and manipulating the ethical tenets of Judaism for the purposes of justifying a redemption of a contrived Jewish nation at the expense of other peoples. Accordingly, his presentation is unabashedly sympathetic to the Arab natives who are cast as victims of the megalomaniacal ambitions of a people driven by an exclusivist and exploitive settler colonialist ideology. Remarkably though, Menuhin lays bare the many crimes committed by Zionists not only towards non Jews, but also Jews. He carefully chronicles the cynical schemes of Zionist leaders who targeted Jewish critique of the Zionist project. Theodor Herzl told the Second World Zionist Congress in Basel in 1. Vista Infusion Center San Antonio more. Campaigning against Zion in the Jewish communities cannot be tolerated any longer. It is an abnormal and untenable situation. We must put an end to it The authority of the community, its means and the persons it has at its command must never be used against the concept of peoplehood. By 1535, several englishmen had been or were engaged in the hunt for William Tyndale, under orders either from King Henry VIII, Sir Thomas More, or Bishop John. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. Homelessness Among Veterans SelfInflicted or Government Betrayal By GPD on September 2, 2013. Introduction. Homelessness among veterans is a major problem in. Therefore, I believe, I speak for you too, distinguished Congress members, when I propose capturing the Jewish communities as one of our next targets. Page 9. Actually, Dr. Transformers 3 Dark Of The Moon Game For Pc. Herzl thought very little of his followers. I have only an army of schnorrers. I stand at the head of a mass of youths, beggars, and jackasses, he entered in his diary. Page 9. 2Whats more, Menuhin portrays Zionist leaders as obsessed with their goal Jewish colonization of Palestine while committing acts of aggression that resulted in tragic consequences for Jewish communities outside Palestine. In turn, these tragedies served the Zionist nationalistic narrative of the importance of Palestine as a Jewish national refuge against persecution. For example, his remarks on the effects of Israeli aggression toward Egypt in 1. Suez Crisis, Sinai War, Tripartite Aggression on the Egyptian Jewish community From time immemorial, the Jewish community in Egypt, one of the oldest in Jewish history, had prospered and lived in brotherly peace with their Arab fellow citizens. This happy lot of Jews was irresponsibly sacrificed as a burnt offering on the altar of aggressive Jewish political nationalism. Fifty thousand innocent Jews who lived an independent, ideal, happy and respectable life as equal citizens in Egypt, whether under Farouk or Nasser, became beggars overnight, exiled from their homeland, the first casualty in a war that was not of their making or interest. Page 3. 06By demonstrating that Zionist crimes target Jewish communities as well as Arab ones, Menuhin avoids the trap of critique for the purpose of reform, i. Zionism into a friendlier system of oppression, and indicts it as an un Jewish aberration that should be wholly opposed. As such, Menuhin cleverly attacks the Zionist project from within. Prophecy and propaganda Prophetic Judaism is my religion. The essence of Prophetic Judaism universal and ethical Judaism is Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not steal Thou shalt not covet Love thy fellow man as thyself What thou dost not like to be done to thee, do not do to thy fellow man Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit In the place where the repentant stands, even the completely righteous man cannot stand. A Jew who practices, or at least tries hard to practice the above noble teachings, is my fellow Jew.