Relevant Legal Rules Of The Game
Law legal definition of law. Ware Weather Fax New Orleans there. A body of rules of conduct of binding legal force and effect, prescribed, recognized, and enforced by controlling authority. In U. S. law, the word law refers to any rule that if broken subjects a party to criminal punishment or civil liability. Law. A body of rules of conduct of binding legal force and effect, prescribed, recognized, and enforced by controlling authority. In U. S. law, the word law refers to. Laws in the United States are made by federal, state, and local legislatures, judges, the president, state governors, and administrative agencies. Law in the United States is a mosaic of statutes, treaties, case law, Administrative Agency regulations, executive orders, and local laws. U. S. law can be bewildering because the laws of the various jurisdictionsfederal, state, and localare sometimes in conflict. Moreover, U. S. law is not static. New laws are regularly introduced, old laws are repealed, and existing laws are modified, so the precise definition of a particular law may be different in the future from what it is today. Relevant Legal Rules Of The Game' title='Relevant Legal Rules Of The Game' />The U. S. Constitution. The highest law in the United States is the U. S. Constitution. No state or federal law may contradict any provision in the Constitution. In a sense the federal Constitution is a collection of inviolable statutes. It can be altered only by amendment. Amendments pass after they are approved by two thirds of both houses of Congress or after petition by two thirds of the state legislatures. Amendments are then ratified by three fourths of the state legislatures or by conventions in three fourths of the states. Upon ratification, the amendment becomes part of the Constitution. Beneath the federal Constitution lies a vast body of other laws, including federal statutes, treaties, court decisions, agency regulations, and executive orders, and state constitutions, statutes, court decisions, agency regulations, and executive orders. Statutes and Treaties. Relevant Legal Rules Of The Game' title='Relevant Legal Rules Of The Game' />After the federal Constitution, the highest laws are written laws, or statutes, passed by elected federal lawmakers. States have their own constitution and statutes. Federal laws generally involve matters that concern the entire country. State laws generally do not reach beyond the borders of the state. Under Article VI, Section 2, of the U. STATE OF MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES www. STATE WILDLIFE GAME AREAS STATE LAND RULES. Excerpt from. Legal Documentation. Below, youll find legal documentation for all Wargaming. End User Licence Agreement. Latest draft uploaded for comment. Look under 30 November 2017. Next due date for comments Legislation Category Description Send comments to. S. Constitution, federal laws have supremacy over state and local laws. This means that when a state or local law conflicts with a federal law, the federal law prevails. Federal statutes are passed by Congress and signed into law by the president. State statutes are passed by state legislatures and approved by the governor. If a president or governor vetoes, or rejects, a proposed law, the legislature may override the Veto if at least two thirds of the members of each house of the legislature vote for the law. Statutes are contained in statutory codes at the federal and state levels. These statutory codes are available in many public libraries, in law libraries, and in some government buildings, such as city halls and courthouses. They are also available on the World Wide Web. For example, the statutory codes that are in effect in the state of Michigan can be accessed at lt http www. A researcher may access the United States Code, which is the compilation of all federal laws, at lt http uscode. The site is maintained by the Office of the Law Revision Counsel of the U. S. House of Representatives. On the federal level, the president has the power to enter into treaties, with the advice and consent of Congress. Treaties are agreements with sovereign nations concerning a wide range of topics such as environmental protection and the manufacture of nuclear missiles. A treaty does not become law until it is approved by two thirds of the U. S. Senate. Most treaties are concerned with the actions of government employees, but treaties also apply to private citizens. Case Law. Statutes are the primary source of law, and the power to enact statutes is reserved to elected lawmakers. However, judicial decisions also have the force of law. Statutes do not cover every conceivable case, and even when a statute does control a case, the courts may need to interpret it. Judicial decisions are known collectively as case law. A judicial decision legally binds the parties in the case, and also may serve as a law in the same prospective sense as does a statute. In other words, a judicial decision determines the outcome of the particular case, and also may regulate future conduct of all persons within the jurisdiction of the court. The opinions of courts, taken together, comprise the Common Law. When there is no statute specifically addressing a legal dispute, courts look to prior cases for guidance. The issues, reasoning, and holdings of prior cases guide courts in settling similar disputes. A prior opinion or collection of opinions on a particular legal issue is known as precedent, and courts generally follow precedent, if any, when deciding cases. Breaking with precedent may be justified when circumstances or attitudes have changed, but following precedent is the norm. This gives the common law a certain predictability and consistency. The common law often controls civil matters, such as contract disputes and personal injury cases torts. Almost all criminal laws are statutory, so common law principles are rarely applied in criminal cases. Sometimes courts hear challenges to statutes or regulations based on constitutional grounds. Courts can make law by striking down part or all of a particular piece of legislation. The Supreme Court has the power to make law binding throughout the country on federal constitutional issues. The highest court in each state has the same power to interpret the state constitution and to issue holdings that have the force of law. Occasionally courts create new law by departing from existing precedent or by issuing a decision in a case involving novel issues, called a case of first impression. If legislators disagree with the decision, they may nullify the holding by passing a new statute. However, if the court believes that the new statute violates a constitutional provision, it may strike down all or part of the new law. If courts and lawmakers are at odds, the precise law on a certain topic can change over and over. Common Law Courts. Courts of law are a fundamental part of the U. S. judicial system. The U. S. Constitution and all state constitutions recognize a judicial branch of government that is charged with adjudicating disputes. Beginning in the 1. By 1. 99. 6 these common law courts existed in more than 3. Though they have no legitimate power, being created without either constitutional or statutory authority, and in fact sometimes contravene established law. Traditionally, common law courts administered the Common Law, that is, law based on prior decisions rather than statutes. These new common law courts, however, are premised on a mixture of U. S. Constitutional Law, English common law, and the Bible, all filtered through an often racist and anti Semitic world view that holds the U. S. legal system to be illegitimate. These common law courts imitate the formalities of the U. S. justice system, issuing subpoenas, making criminal indictments, and hearing cases. Most of their cases involve Divorce decrees and foreclosure actions. Many of the persons on the courts or seeking their assistance are in dire financial circumstances. They wish to prevent the loss of their property by having a common law court declare them free of the loans they have secured from banks.